Monday, 14 December 2020

Architects Declare too narrow

 Since its foundation, the UK branch of Architects Declare has gained over 1,000 signatories, while its international sister group has almost 6,000 signatories in over 20 countries. However, Zaha Hadid Architects warned that making the aims of Architects Declare too narrow, could be a mistake for the group in the long run.

"We saw Architects Declare as a broad church to raise consciousness on the issues; enabling architectural practices of all sizes to build a coalition for change and help each other find solutions," said the studio.

"We need to be progressive, but we see no advantage in positioning the profession to fail. In fact, it would be a historic mistake."

The decision to leave the climate change network follows growing tension between the studio and Architects Declare's steering group, which is made up of 11 architects, engineers and communication computer science vs computer engineering salary  working for UK architecture studios.

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