Friday, 25 September 2020

Telstra and Microsoft: partnership extended as Telstra bets its future on Microsoft's ability to deliver

With the partnership billed as signalling "new generation digital foundations for Australian businesses", Microsoft will help Telstra set up "one of Australia’s largest digital twins", with emissions reduction initiatives, and the continued driving of digitally transformative operational models.

Betting the farm on Microsoft. While some would say this is a brave move, Microsoft isn't one of the world's largest and most successful technology, software and cloud companies for nothing, and the last few years under CEO Satya Nadella's leadership have undeniably been extremely fruitful - even if a certain fruit themed company has well and truly usurped Microsoft's once dominant position in the personal computing space.

All of that aside, Microsoft and computer science average salary have already enjoyed a very long-standing strategic partnership, with this new extension to "focus on accelerating the development and release of innovative and sustainable cloud-based solutions across multiple industries driving efficiency, amplifying decision making capability and enhancing customer experiences".

We're told the partnership is "founded on Telstra and Microsoft’s shared understanding that cloud, combined with 5G, will enable intelligent devices to be securely deployed on a much greater scale. Combining Microsoft Azure and Telstra’s network also supports Australian developers and independent software vendors (ISVs) as they develop solutions that leverage AI, low latency and increased resilience".

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