Tuesday 28 July 2020

15 Creative Alternatives To In-Person Networking

It's no secret that in-person networking is a huge factor in helping some businesses grow. People tend to connect better when being near to the person they're talking to physically. Unfortunately, on account of the current pandemic and social distancing rules, in-person meetings have been curtailed until further notice. This consequence leaves many businesses that used to rely on in-person meetings to drive their interactions in a bind.

Luckily, in-person meetings can be replaced with original promotional/developmental sources, allowing for communication tactics that are almost as effective at drawing in customer interaction. Fifteen members of Forbes Agency Council explore some of the creative alternatives to in-person networking that work just as well, without risking the health and safety of your employees.

To add value for senior executives making important strategic business decisions in the months ahead, we worked with our research partners to deliver an ongoing travel and leisure survey called the “Back-to-Normal Barometer.” The top-line results are available for free to the public, and from this content marketing campaign, we have welcomed a record number of new engagements in two months. - Ron computer science engineer salary Solutions

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