Thursday, 3 October 2019

Machine learning technology will take care of updating Win10 1803 systems

This message should interest computer users working under the control of the currently most popular version of Win 10 with the number 1803. Microsoft has prepared a surprise for them about the Windows Update service, about which we will talk more later in the news.

And so the day before yesterday on the official website of the corporation from Redmond the following message appeared: "We have started work on implementing a new Win10 system updating system, which will be based on ML (Machine Learning) technology. This is both the version of the system that was made available to users in April 2018, as well as earlier versions of this software. The system will improve the process of providing Win10 users with new versions of this system in the future. "

Of course, this is about Win10 system updates, which Microsoft calls the "feature upgrade", which can be translated as a major or major update that is made available to users twice a year.

The first "feature upgrade" always appears in spring, and the second in autumn each year. That is why the large system update made available to users in the spring of last year is number 1803, which informs you when this modification appeared on the site. The first two digits indicate the year (18, i.e. 2018) and the second two indicate the month (03, i.e. March).

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